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Scottish Wee Heavy
Dark amber in color, bold, malty flavors with a hint of roasted grains. This full-bodied ale is typically bottled with very low carbonation levels, adding to the perceived maltiness.
Approx. Original Gravity: 1.095
Approx. Final Gravity: 1.030
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 9.0%
Bitterness: 20 IBUs
Approx. Color: 20 SRM
Ideal Fermentation Temperature: 65°F
Average Fermentation Days: 14-21 days
Kit contents:
- Specialty malts (crushed together in one bag)
- Liquid malt extract
- Hops
- Dry yeast
- Priming sugar
- 55 Bottle caps
- Muslin grain bag
- Step by step instructions
You will also need (not included):
- 5 gallon brew pot
- Big T Basic Starter Kit
- 2 cases of 12oz or 22oz beer bottles